Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I just returned from Sun Valley where I attended  the Leadership Conference put on by the Boise Metro Chamber.
It was another success. Thank you to the staff, leadership, and board of the Chamber for putting this on.
Hy and I reported on the positive progress of the District Board since we took office a year ago. Thanks to our fellow District board members, Stephanie, Gail and Rob we were able to report to other elected officials and interested community leaders that we have narrowed the site for the new convention center to Parcel B, between 11th and 13th, Front and Myrtle in downtown Boise.
It is a real pleasure to be working on something that can mean so much to this community in terms of economic impact, jobs, and pumping money into our economy.
We hope that next year at the same meeting we will be able to report that we are breaking ground!

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