Thursday, March 15, 2012

Attending Oxford

March 15, 2012
After announcing I was running for the District 17 Senate Seat I received an invitation to attend and make a presentation, for the second time, at a Round Table Discussion on Women's Interests at Oxford University, Oxford, England, Harris Manchester College.
I am thrilled by this honor and am writing my presentation.
The last time I attended I made two very good friends. My husband, Allen, and I have since visited these wonderful women and their families in their homes and they have in turn visited Boise. These professional women are strong advocates in their communities and, like the other women who attended that session several years ago, are dedicated to the proposition of exploration of new ideas and perhaps the implementation of those ideas.
So, as I look forward to this experience I also look forward to sharing with my friends and neighbors at home some new and exciting ideas.
Learning is never ending.

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