Thursday, March 15, 2012

Announcing for Senate District 17

Friday was the deadline for filing for office.....which I did. I'm announcing  I'm running for the District 17 Senate seat.
I have served in various capacities in public office over the years. I have been an Ada County Commissioner for two terms or eight years. I served as an ACHD (Ada County Highway District) Commissioner for 4 years. I'm currently serving as a Board Trustee for the Greater Boise Auditorium District. During the 36 years that I have lived in Boise I have served on several boards and organizations as a volunteer and I have been a real estate professional for 30 plus years.
Should I win this election and be honored to serve my fellow citizens in the Legislature I would bring all of my years of experience to the table.
I know the problems facing local governments. I know the difficulties transportation officials face. I know how hard hit non-profits have been and the difficult choices people have had to make to accomplish their goals with less money during these past few years.
I have made good friends over the years both Democrat and Republican. I have been able to get things done because of being able to work with both sides. I know that I can do that at the State level.
I look forward to talking with as many neighbors as possible in the weeks and months ahead about moving our home of Idaho forward through leadership and statesmanship.

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