Friday, June 8, 2012

Yesterday we dedicated the bike path that so many of us at FACTS (Foundation for Ada/Canyon Trail Systems) have been working on for years. Along with a wonderful article in the Idaho Statesman by Cynthia Sewell the actual dedication was covered by Channels 7 and 6 airing on the noon news and the three evening news reports as well as the morning news. The actual amount of path completed at this point in time in compacted dirt and gravel is 1.64 miles long. Within three weeks Boise City is adding their section behind the Boise Sewer and Water Treatment Plant connecting to the path dedicated yesterday. THEN we will be to the eastern edge of LaGuna Point a subdivision that has a worn path from use by the residents walking along the river. This means that by the end of July folks will be able to take the bike path from Lucky Peak to Eagle Road. There is hope that by the end of the summer we will have paved the portion of the path dedicated yesterday. The volunteers worked hard getting this piece done for the community. I am so blessed to be associated with so many wonderful friends on a project of this size and impact. Take a look and enjoy. It is beautiful.

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