Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yesterday I attended the Idaho Environmental Forum luncheon and presentation at the Owyhee Hotel. The subject was mussels and Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. I have been interested in mussels since I was a County Commissioner when the subject and urgency was brought to our attention in 2005. It could spell disaster for our state! With the limited resources the Department of Agriculture has for stopping the invasion of these predators they have already stopped and cleaned 41 boats at our border trying to enter our State this year....and the boating season hasn't really started. It only takes one boat that is fouled.
We need to support the efforts being made to keep our lakes and streams clear. If our fishing is destroyed so is our tourism and recreation. The officials at Lake Meade need to inspect their boats leaving their waters before they infest other communities and States.

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