Friday, May 4, 2012

Ada County Commissioners

A sincere thank you to the Ada County Commissioners for acting so quickly in declaring an emergency yesterday afternoon. While walking our new addition to the bike path system on Wednesday, Don Stockton, Jeanne Barker, Jerry Hastings and I discovered some sections of the path being washed away by the Boise River. It was a disaster in the making. We notified Clements Concrete of the situation on the North side of their property. They were already working fast and furiously on the East side of their pit to stop a hole that had gone from 25' to 50' over night, but couldn't spare any more people or equipment to attend to the north side.
I, along with others, notified authorities and the Commission acted quickly. I believe their response saved the community millions of dollars as this erosion would have caused problems "down stream" potentially for the Boise Sewer and Water Treatment Plant, neighbors of Clements Concrete and Central Paving.
My hat is off to the Ada County Commissioners, Sharon Ullman and Rick Yzaquirre.

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